Latin gay porn actor

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Latin Heat is not retired it has been many years since his last movie. Latin Heat has appeared contains Black Stallions & Latino Studs, Latin Boys and Black Toys and Black Gang Bang. Fewer than half of his films are part of a series. The collection of movies in which Latin Heat appears contains The Guys From East LA, Black Swords & Spanish Knights and Latin Heat. Some of the other movies in which they have appeared together include Black Hunks Latin Punks ( Black & Spicy Productions), Black Knights & Spanish Swords ( Bacchus), and Hard To Swallow ( Bacchus). Their most recent video, Black Stallions & Latino Studs #2, became available in 2011 by Bacchus. Of all of his costars, you can see Latin appearing most often with Ricky Parker. Heat has acted with a number of actors which include Vincent, Jah Lil as well as Alex.

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He is quite skilled and has starred in films which involve 17 categories ranging from black male scenes to male on male gangbangs.

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Latin Heat has worked with adult movie studios including Black & Spicy Productions, Iron Horse, and Bacchus. Latin Heat is an exotic male star whose adult industry career started in 2001.

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